Online Clubs for Kids: How Parents Can Support and Develop Their Child’s Interests

Published: October 23, 2020
Every parent dreams of being able to share their interests with their children. After all, that is a great way to ensure you and your child have something to bond over. However, it’s important for parents to prioritize encouraging the interests their children develop on their own. Whether it’s arts and crafts, sports, or cooking, encouraging your child to pursue what he or she likes helps build self-confidence and a natural interest in learning.

Sometimes, this can be easier said than done. This is especially true if you aren’t well-versed in what your child takes an interest in. Regardless of what sparks your child’s interest, here are a few tips to help you encourage your child:

Sign your child up for an online club(s)

Having your child join a school club was often one of the best ways parents can encourage children to pursue their interests. Although the current situation with the ongoing pandemic has forced schools to remain closed for a while, there are still many online versions of these clubs. For example, The Study’s After School Club offers children a chance to interact with kids who have similar interests such as art, gardening, cooking, and more. This is a great way to provide your child with a safe environment to learn more about something that interests them.

Set up weekly activities related to their interests

Young children learn best when they do activities together with their parents. As such, it’s a good idea to try and set up a weekly activity for you and your child to do together at least once a week. If your child has taken an interest in cooking, for example, why not have them choose what you two should cook for dinner one Saturday evening? While cooking, be sure to ask questions about the menu your child has decided to keep them engaged. In some cases, you might be surprised by how much your child already knows about cooking.

Make it a point to praise effort more than praising talent

It’s only natural to praise children after a job well done. However, studies have shown that praising them for their effort, regardless of the result, is actually more effective when it comes to developing their interests. Making it a point to acknowledge a child’s effort allows them to understand that it’s okay to make “mistakes”. This helps encourage children to experiment and be creative with their interests as they aren’t held back by the fear of failure.

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